Church News

Office Nominations Nominating Committee 1920x1080 1440 x 805 px
May 04

Now Receiving Officer Nomination Recommendations

Recommend Someone to Serve as Elder, Deacon, or on next year’s Nominating Committee!

Do you know someone to whom God has given gifts for leadership, spiritual maturity, and care? Recommend them to serve as elder or deacon.

It’s an exciting time to help lead the church: We have new staff members coming on; we’re moving past some of the challenges of the pandemic; and the Session and Diaconate are re-working the expectations of leaders, so that people with varying degrees of availability can contribute well.

Serving as an elder or deacon can be a spiritually enriching experience. Elders and Deacons lead through service; explore scripture together; pray with and for those they serve; and enjoy the gifts of community.

If you know someone with gifts to serve, please ask them to pray about the opportunity. Please encourage them and help them know that if they are asked to serve, there will be support for their leadership journey.

If you’ve spoken with someone, and they’ve agreed to seriously consider the opportunity, please recommend them by using this form!