
We’re glad you’re here. We invite you to take a look around and join us for worship either in person or via livestream.

Before you scroll away…

I’m so glad you’re here and there’s one thing I want to make sure you know:

You are loved.

Life can make this hard to trust. But it’s true. God created you with love – for love. And in this time, more than ever, I believe it’s why we need church.

A lot of us have been hurt by communities of faith, so I understand why you might be skeptical.

But love is something we just can’t do alone.

Love is a gift from God. Actually, the scriptures say that God is love and those who abide in love abide in God.

So, at Christ Pres, we don’t take love for granted. We believe we have received the sacred trust of God’s love in human hands. And it’s the great privilege of life to share in it with one another and with all whom God joins our paths.

That brings me back to you: If I can be of help along your journey seeking faith and beloved community, please send me a note. I’d love to meet you.

-Pastor Jessica

What we’re about

Christ Presbyterian Church puts God’s love into action here and now. We share a remarkable Presbyterian heritage of thoughtful, forward-thinking self-reflection and a roll-up-your-sleeves attitude to doing God’s work. But our path is unfinished. We are continually co-creating with God a more just world for all.

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Our Vision

Christ Presbyterian Church envisions a world that is loving and inclusive. We unite with God to be a worshiping community without barriers, a sanctuary for all. We seek to follow Jesus by doing justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly with God.

Front of Building 720x616

Drawing on the rich heritage of what it means to be a Presbyterian congregation, CPC strives to be a place where all people can gather to learn and grow in faith while building meaningful community as we co-create with God to build a more just world.

About Us

Get to know CPC at Starting Point

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How can I get involved?

There are many ways to connect and engage here at Christ Presbyterian Church. Explore the various ministries and groups at CPC, from age level ministries to the causes we actively support in helping to better our local and global communities.

Grow With Us
CPC 112424 028
Sundays • 9am

Contemporary Worship

Our Contemporary Service includes music led by a band that includes piano and often guitars, bass, drums and keys.

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20240324 CPC Palm Sunday 4055 3000
Sundays • 11:00 am

Classical Worship

Our Classical Service includes music led by a choir with accompaniment that includes organ and often brass, strings and piano.

Learn More

Worship FAQs

Who is welcome in worship at Christ Presbyterian Church?

Everyone is welcome in worship. God created each one of us, in God’s image. We gather in a spirit of humility, love, learning and grace. We are imperfect, choosing to learn from and imitate Jesus, and would love for you to join us.

What can I expect when I come to worship at CPC?

Each week we gather in the Spirit, through Christ, for the glory of God. We sing songs, hear scripture and a sermon, and experience other creative elements that represent the breadth of God’s love and grace. Sometimes we light candles, share prayer concerns or God sightings, or spend time in silent reflection.

Occasionally (quarterly or so), we hold a combined worship service at 10:00am. During these services, there is nursery care for children from birth to age 4. We work hard to design these services in a way that keeps children 5+ engaged throughout the morning.

Is there a dress code? Should I dress up?

There is no dress code, please come as you are, in whatever way feels comfortable for you to worship together with us. Throughout the morning you will see folks in shorts or jeans and t‑shirts as well as suits and ties.

Can kids be in worship?

Yes! Kids of any age are always welcome in worship. As you enter the sanctuary, there are bags hanging to the right with crayons, paper and small activities you can bring back to your seat. Additionally, there are quiet, table-activities available in the back area of the sanctuary, also called the Emmaus Room. This space is open to the sanctuary and allows families to be together in worship even when sitting in a row of chairs isn’t manageable.

See below for what is offered for Kids Ministry at CPC.

Is there Nursery care for babies and toddlers?

We are pleased to offer nursery care for children from birth to age 4ish. Our nursery staff is trained in early childhood care and development and love to welcome the little ones into our nursery space. During worship, kids will be invited to participate in guided open play, a group activity, and a nut-free snack, all supervised by our staff. The nursery is located on the second floor, to the left of the sanctuary.

What’s available for the kids of various ages?

Nursery is available for children ages birth through 4ish. About ten minutes into each worship service there’s a Children’s Sermon where kids are invited to the front of the church for a short kid-friendly lesson. Following the Children’s Sermon, kids can either return to the adults they came to church with or go downstairs with Kids’ Ministry leader, Cindy Melrose, for Kids’ Ministry. Kids’ Ministry consists of a large group activity and bible story introduction and then a small group lesson interacting with the bible story. We will close with time to play either inside or outside in Castlescape (outdoor play area), depending on the weather.

What accommodations are available for me/​my family if we live with disabilities?

  • There is full elevator access in the building and the sanctuary at CPC is on the second floor. When you come in through the main entrance, the elevator is past the stairs to the left.

  • The sanctuary has chairs and not pews, so accommodating wheelchairs, walkers or other durable medical equipment is seamless.

  • Each bathroom is handicap accessible with large stalls and grab bars to aid with mobility challenges.

  • In the sanctuary we have a t‑coil that allows a hearing aid or cochlear implant users to receive wireless audio transmissions through the assistive listening system.

What time is worship?

Our Contemporary Worship Service begins at 9am (one hour) and our Classical Worship Service begins at 11am (one hour).

What do I need to know about communion?

At CPC, we offer open communion on the first Sunday of each month and all are welcome who would like to participate in this symbol of remembrance of Jesus’ invitation to us. All of the bread offered is gluten free and we use nonalcoholic grape juice. Folks are invited to come forward to receive communion as they are able. Communion servers will also bring the elements to your seat if coming forward is not possible.

Where do we park? Where do we come in?

The main entrance is in the center of the building facing Gorham Street and the parking lot surrounds the building. With welcome banners flocking either side, this entrance is fully accessible.

Will someone unexpectedly bring attention to me in worship?

We don’t embarrass visitors by calling them out or having them stand. During the service we do something we call Passing the Peace of Christ. Folks take a moment to extend peace to one another, often with an exchange similar to peace be with you / and also with you”. When you arrive we have name tag stickers in three colors to help guide your interactions in the most comfortable way possible. A green name tag says you are open to hugs and handshakes, a yellow means fist or elbow bumps are welcome and a red name tag signals that you prefer to not be touched. We do hope you’ll take time to get to know a few others around you before or after worship.

Who can I contact ahead of coming, in case I have a special concern?

We would love to answer any questions you may have or address any needs ahead of time to help you feel more comfortable and fully welcomed at Christ Presbyterian Church. The church office is open during the week from 9am-2pm, Monday — Thursday. Give us a call at 608.257.4845 or send us an email.

Should I wear a mask?

It’s completely up to you. We invite those with symptoms or known exposure to protect themselves and others by wearing masks or isolating as necessary. Masks and hand sanitizer are available throughout the building.

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