Navy and Teal
Jan 11 - Ben Weger

Expanding Staff Support for Operations and Communications

This year, Session and the Vision Team have taken a closer look and listen for the ways God is calling our church to grow into our future. In that process, one thing has become clear: In order to grow according to our emerging vision and values, we’ll need strong foundations from which to build.

Through the pandemic and pastoral transition, staff hours committed to church operations and building hospitality were cut back. Hearing God’s leading and the needs of the congregation, the Session, Personnel Committee, and Pastor Jessica realize that it’s time to reinvest in these areas.

Fortunately for us, God called someone to our staff team with the gifts, skills, and time available to lend to this pressing need. 

In October of 2022, Ben Weger joined the CPC staff team as the Interim Director of Contemporary Worship. With more than a decade of experience in church ministry and nonprofit leadership, Ben is equipped to expand his role on staff to include operations and communications.

So, in this interim period, while we continue our visioning process, Ben has agreed to take on greater leadership in these areas. We hope that in the coming weeks and months, our community will enjoy greater responsiveness from the church office, coordination between ministry areas, and accessibility for newcomers hoping to connect with our life together. 
