Justice — the way things are intended by God to be — is mentioned hundreds of times in the Bible. Economic justice, abuse of power, how the poor are treated, warnings about exploitation and use of wealth are addressed consistently throughout scripture. We are called to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly.
CPC is involved in many efforts to do justice.
A few of these include:
- CILC: the Community Immigration Law Center, with offices hosted at CPC, strives to ensure dignity and access to justice for people, especially those facing deportation, by providing legal representation and consultations, as well as support and education regarding immigration issues for the community at large.
- Refuge: a group at CPC working for justice, with a focus on advocating for immigration justice and voting rights. We believe that working for justice, especially for the marginalized and oppressed, is central to living out our faith as Christians called to love. We endeavor to do this work as a community by offering education and action opportunities focused on supporting our democracy and on promoting racial and immigration justice. Contact Mary Strait to learn more.
- Racial Justice: a group tackling the huge issue in our nation’s history, our current landscape, and future prospects for treating each person with the dignity with which God created them.
- Creation Care: a group focused on facing the grim realities of climate change, God’s charge to human beings (created in God’s image) to exercise good stewardship of creation and “replenish the earth.”