Working together for justice.
Refuge is a CPC justice group focused on immigration justice and voting rights. We believe tha tworking for justice, especially for the marginalized and oppressed, is central to living out our faith. We offer education and action opportunities focused on supporting our democracy and on promoting racial and immigration justice. We endeavor to do this work from a heart of love, so we also offer opportunities for self-care. We’d love for you to join us and/or share your ideas.
Our Focuses:
- Immigration
- Voter justice
- Self-Care
Join us!
- Get information about legislation and
suggestions for action—Sign up for Refuge
Google Groups email list. - Attend education and action events: watch for
them in Wednesday emails and Sunday
announcements. - Have an idea for a justice-related project?
We’d love to hear about work we could do
together. - Are you involved in other groups doing similar work? Invite us along!
Contact Mary Strait to learn more.