Kids’ Ministries at CPC
Welcome • Explore • Inspire • Affirm
At CPC, we believe kids of all ages are an essential part of the life of the church. We have spaces for newborns through four year olds in our nursery, a kids’ moment in every worship service, and a bustling and vibrant kids’ ministry time for elementary age kids every Sunday morning.
Kids welcome!
We welcome your entire family to take part in learning and growing towards Christ as a part of our faith community.
Although they may not be able to fully express it, children have souls that are yearning for God, and it is our goal to help them find and follow after God as they grow. And we have much to learn from our kids, as Jesus quite clearly reminded us.
It is our desire that every child experience God-centered programs and activities at our church that will nurture them in developing their faith.
Childcare for children ages 0 – 3 is available in our Nursery on Sundays from 8:50 a.m. to 12:10 p.m.

What does a Sunday morning look like during the school year?
We offer worship services at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. with something for everyone during and in-between services. Our goal is to help you and your family find what you need each Sunday. Whether you choose to worship together, explore one of our programs or do both, children and youth are always welcome in all of our spaces at Christ Presbyterian Church. You decide what works best for your family each Sunday. We are glad you are here!
When you arrive, please visit the check-in station at the main entrance on Gorham Street where someone will greet you and help you learn the options for the day.
Please contact Family Ministries Director, Cindy Melrose, with any questions.
Email Cindy