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Lent @ CPC

Welcome to the Lent Journey. Lent is a season in the Christian liturgical calendar that lasts 40 days leading up to Easter, beginning with Ash Wednesday (March 5 this year). The 40 days symbolize the 40-day period that Jesus spent in the wilderness fasting. During Lent, we look to grow spiritually in many ways. At CPC this Lent, we look for ways to make the world better as well. Take a look around on this page and see how you can join us in this journey.

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Sundays | 9am & 11am

Mercy: it’s one of the clearest refrains of scripture. Prophets and apostles tell us mercy is the heartbeat of God. Jesus embodies mercy and invites people to extend it to neighbor and stranger alike. We know, in our own hearts, that we and those we love need mercy as much as we need our daily bread.

Why is it, then, that mercy seems unvalued, even ridiculed by national and global leaders? How are we to live as people of mercy in a seemingly merciless milieu?

Join us for a Lenten sermon series on exploring how mercy can inform justice and soften hardened hearts. Through Scripture, real-life stories, and the example of Jesus, we will discover how God’s mercy invites us to act, to respond. Come with an open heart and a willingness to be challenged. Together, we will learn how to be vessels of mercy in a world longing for both justice and compassion.

Sunday Worship

Lent Vespers

We will gather for worship on Wednesday evenings through Lent at 6:30pm, with a soup supper before at 5:45pm. Our theme this year is Wounded Healers.

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Soup Suppers

Come early as we gather at the table as a community before Lent Vespers. Soup Suppers are a tradition here at CPC during Advent and Lent.

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Lent Resources

This Lent, we will explore a devotional by Sanctified Art during Community Hour, and we recommend an online devotional by The Lent Project.

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Serving in Lent

Maybe this Lent, you want to commit to acts of service. There are plenty partners in our community that welcome volunteers such as CILC (Community Immigration Law Center).

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Praying in Lent

It is important to keep ourselves centered with prayer during Lent. At CPC, we regularly have Centering Prayer classes and Evening Prayer contemplative worship.

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Lent & Holy Week Schedule

Get a snapshot of Lent and Holy Week at CPC, including dates, preachers, and texts.