Feb 25 - Communications
Wednesdays at 5:45pm
Lent Soup-Making
Soup Suppers
Wednesdays at 5:45pm
March 12 — April 9
Before Lent Vespers, we gather at the table for delicious soup and fellowship. Here is the lineup of soups this Lent.
- March 12: Cream of Tomato Soup
- March 19: Baked Potato Bar
- March 26: Vegetarian Chili
- April 2: Vegetarian Lasagna (not GF) & Gluten-Free Spaghetti and Pasta Sauce
- April 9: Vegetable Barley Soup
All soups are vegetarian and gluten free (unless noted above). Salad, bread, and dessert will also be served. Please join us for fellowship even if you won’t be eating the soup!
A free will offering will be accepted.
Lent Soup-Making
Saturday, March 8, 8:30 – 11:30am
Want to help make these soups? A group of people are gathering on March 8 at 8:30am in the kitchen at CPC.