Feb 25 - Communications

Lent Vespers: Wounded Healers

Wednesdays at 6:30pm
March 12 — April 9

We live in a world marked by violence and deep wounds. We have been hurt, we suffer, and we carry the scars of a world that is upside down in so many ways. What if our wounds are not just burdens to bear, but also pathways to healing? Jesus was the model of a Wounded Healer, entering into suffering instead of running. And he invites us to do the same.

Join us for Lent Vespers on Wednesdays as we explore how God can use our pain to bring hope, how our wounds can become instruments of grace, and how we, like Christ, can step into the brokenness of others — not as perfect people, but as wounded healers.

Childcare will be available for ages 0 – 4ish from 5:30 – 7:30pm.

Join us for Lent Soup Suppers at 5:45pm!


Lent @ CPC